Cambo Fishing Charter Rates


Jig N Pop Bluefin Tuna
$1400 /10-12 hours
*Giant Bluefin Tuna
$1000/ 10-12 hours
$1000/ 10-12 hours
Day Fishing Charter
$750 5-6 hours

All our charters are for up-to 4 anglers.  Each additional angler is $150

*Per federal regulations, any tuna caught over 73” shall be sold under the vessels commercial permit and are property of the vessel

Active duty military and veterans receive 15% off

The day fishing charters are for what is in season. Our targeted fish are Striped Bass, Blues, Tautog, Scup, Fluke, Haddock and Porgy.

If you do not see the fish you would love to target, shoot us an email or send us a text.